Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A long Rest and Now Returning

I have not posted to this blog very regularly. I tend to do so as the spirit hits me but I suppose I can find more time in the month to be posting.

This post is mainly a reflection of the last few months

1) In February I grew fond of a young man at the college I attended. We have not formally hung out with each other. I found out he was fond of me too.
2) In April I turned 19!
3) In June I discovered that there was a bible believing group on campus! Yay, new friends!
4) In August I began my third semester of university.
5) Now in October, I am aiming for the highest marks in my current subjects and defining my overall future goals: paying off loans soon, getting the career of choice, and living frugally.

I am so happy to announce that I am working on my first religious book. What better for me to write about than the bible?

From now on I will try to be more frequent with my posts.


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